Rest Assured could not provide beds to members of our community without the help of our amazing volunteers and donors. Thank you!

Please visit the links below to find ways to help with Rest Assured’s mission.


We value community. That’s why we want to bring the community together through volunteering.

We are looking for volunteers with some carpentry skills to assist with the bed building. We are working on coming up with some building opportunities for people who have an interest, but not the experience, but in the beginning, experience is necessary.

We are also looking for volunteers to help spread the word, plan events, and raise funds for the organization.

Because we know that we have a community full of talent, we are also open to suggestions for volunteer opportunities. If you have an idea for something that you can do that you think will further the organization, please let us know!



We estimate that it costs Rest Assured approximately $250 to build a single bed. This price includes a bed, linens, comforter, pillow, frame, and mattress. Every donation helps us get one step closer to our goal of ensuring everyone in our community has a bed to sleep in. We understand that you work hard for your money and we promise to be good stewards of the funds that you entrust us with. Thank you for considering being a donor. We appreciate it more than we can express.



Pillow Sponsor
Sponsor a pillow
Linen Sponsor
Sponsor a set of linens
Comforter Sponsor
Sponsor a comforter
Mattress Sponsor
Sponsor a mattress
Single Bed Sponsor
Sponsor a bed frame
Bunk Bed Sponsor
Sponsor a bed
Dream Sponsor
Sponsor dreams